Spiritual Mentoring, Opening to Grace

In the end just 3 things matter.
• How well did I love
• How fully did I live
• How deeply did I let go
Jack Kornfield

Spiritual mentoring with me is a unique journey we undertake together into intimacy with your True Self, your soul.

Born into a strict Catholic Irish upbringing I left that church community in my early 30’s and journeyed eastwards finding wisdom and devotional bliss with the Vedic Goddesses and Gods. I fell in love and into service with Green Tara the Buddhist Goddess, bowed to Inanna the Sumerian Goddess of heaven and earth and her suffering sister Erishkegal and found love with the Sufi poets and chants. Then in my 50’s as this T.S Elliot’s quote conveys

‘We must not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and know it for the first time’.

Mary Magdalene found me with her Gnostic teachings of Yeshua, divine union and the mystical Christian life and now all of this is my home.

Our soul’s journey is to becoming ‘Fully Human’ or Anthropos, living a life empowered and expressing our dharma (our soul’s purpose whether big or perfectly small). It requires us to get to know our light and our dark (shadow). Meditation can awaken us to mindful presence an aspect of the Divine Masculine. We can feel joy and ease and we want to stay there and by-pass all else. To become more ‘whole’ we humans need to embrace our darkness too. We arrive in our life at a time of challenge, an illness, a death, a crisis a spiritual emergency. Navigating these times can lead to spiritual emergence and an initiation, a transformational experience that leads to becoming more fully human. This needs contemplation, space, embodied practices, devotion and support that’s from the human and Divine realms.

We now need to awaken our feminine energies to bring kindness and compassion and healings to our pain. Our feminine energies are also our creativity, our passion, our sensuality, our inner beauty and our connection with Mother Earth in deep devotion to her elemental loving wisdom.

A journey of mentoring with me embraces the light and the dark, the masculine and the feminine within us. We use all my therapeutic skills and tools. We take a path towards Divine Union or Christogenesis where intuition, presence and heart govern our relationships with ourselves and the world. There is a sense of peace, love and harmony in body mind and soul.

With grateful reverence to Mary Magdalene and Chameli Gad Ardagh.

Vesica Pices
Mary Magdalene
Shri Yantra
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