
If you would like to explore the benefits of working with me in this transformational way I offer:

  • A free 30 minute talk to share your present concerns and understand how we can work together. Together we will work out an affordable fee that works for both of us.
  • Individual sessions lasting 75 minutes
  • My work is effective in person, and over Zoom or phone
  • Yes to Life charity monthly group EFT Sessions
  • EFT Guild mentoring and Navigating Planetary Crisis bringing healing sessions

I now operate a cancellation policy. If you need to cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, please contact me to discuss your situation. If I am unable to fill your slot, you may be asked to pay 50% of the cost of the session. Thank you in advance for honouring this agreement.

In the past I have offered

  • EFT for Cancer Focused Mentoring hosted by: Aga Kehinde and Kathy Adams
  • Heart and Healing Community Meetings  normally held at The Hamblin Centre.
  • Monthly support groups Optimise your Healing by Reducing your Stress for cancer patients  at The Macmillan Centre at The Queen Alexander Hospital Portsmouth. I do 1 on 1 sessions at The Macmillan Centre too. Look out for me at Breast Cancer Care Moving Forward courses in Chichester, Winchester and Worthing hospitals.
  • Living Well with the Impact of Cancer. A 15 hour course in partnership with Penny Brohn Cancer Care.

EFTi Mentoring with Kathy Adams

Kathy offers mentoring as part for The EFT Guild.  We will have 90 minutes together in a small group so that we can go deep. Please bring your questions, client cases, concerns, vulnerabilities and celebrations to this safe space. This time together will be nurturing and I intend that it is growthful and enjoyable. The 90 minutes will serve as 25% of your EFTi mentoring minimum requirement.

This session is limited to 6 members, EFTi practitioners and those who have completed training, however this is not mentoring for certification. if you are not able to attend it is essential that you cancel your place as others may be on the wait list. 

 I am intuitive in my work and I have many techniques and tools in my box including integrating EFT with Internal Family Systems and my experience with serious illness. My style of working is integrative and flowing and works on the principle of deeply listening and holding with humility and a compassionate heart. I aim to awaken your inner compass and teacher so that you can find your own way towards being more fully yourself as a practitioner.

I believe that as practitioners we work within a container of our professional training and experience along with our own personal development and self-care. We bring all of this to our clients and all of this can be explored in this space of mentoring. My container involves a deeply devotional spiritual path and this undoubtedly makes a contribution.

I offer individual 60 minute one to one mentoring too.

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