About Kathy
I am a woman who looks into the inside of things
Maria Sabina
As with all our human journeys mine has been filled with much joy and sorrow, trust and anxiety, presence and a busy, distracted mind. Born into the trauma-filled field of a Catholic Irish ancestry, as a mother living through the serious illness of 2 of her 3 children and the end of a long marriage and all that brings. I have had much material to process that has grown and awaken me.
Much of my adult life has been immersed in the study and practice of embodied, trauma sensitive and specialised approaches to psychological growth, emotional healing and spiritual transformation.
I have extensively trained in various therapeutic modalities.
- BSc Reading University
- RGN (no longer registered) the peak of my nursing career I managed a unit at The Hammersmith Hospital, I’ve also worked in cancer and end of life care
- Counselling Diploma, CAC London
- Cruse Bereavement Care Counselling Training
- Plant and mineral energy healing including Homeopathy and Flower Essences
- Emotional Freedom Techniques; Advanced Level EFT International registered and accredited member and mentor. (Similar to EMDR)
- Matrix Reimprinting training
- Psychoanalytical Energy Psychology training
- Internal Family Systems training (IFS)
- Comprehensive Resource Model training (CRM)
- Health Creation Coaching Training
- Chrysalis Effect M.E/Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Accredited Coach
- Penny Brohn Cancer Care Living Well Course Facilitator
- National Federation of Spiritual Healers
- Authentic Relating Training

This expertise along with the many tools in my tool box that they bring enables me to create a safe, gentle, transformational space for deep healing. My somatic psychotherapeutic approaches and my connection to wise, loving, healing universal energy leads to life changing and enhancing experiences for individuals who are struggling in aspects of their life.
As an elder, a crone there is a sense now of the mystery opening in me. My intuition for where life force is frozen and what is needed for it to flow in order to bring freedom and vitality is becoming ever more acute.